Installation Procedure


    1. You need Wordpress website.
    2. Administrator access to the Wordpress website.
    3. Have signed-up to one of the Addresser plans to have access to API Key. Visit www.addresser.com.au/pricing.


1. Log into the Wordpress website administration tool and select the website that needs to be configured with Addresser plugin.

2. Select the “Plugins” -> “Add New” from the left hand menu of website. Image

3. Type “Addresser” in the search box of the plugin search page. Image

4. Select “Addresser” plugin from the search results. Image

5. Click “Install and activate” button. Image

6. The plugin will install and activate. Image

7. From the “Woocommerce” plugin menu, select “Settings”. Image

8. Enter the API key obtained from Addresser, and click “Save changes”. Image

9. Remember to test your site. Access your store and go to the checkout page. When you start typing in the address, you should now see the plugin working. Awesome work, you are all set up.

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